Under the auspices of the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region, Priority Area 4 “to restore and maintain the quality of waters” and the Ministry of Environment SR was organised the international workshop “Trust-building between Water and Agriculture Sectors in the Danube Region”.

The goal of the workshop – to build mutual trust, improving relations and strengthening the cooperation between water and agriculture sector.

The workshop took place on 4 October 2016 in Hotel Sorea Regia Bratislava.

The workshop programme

The presentations which were provided in English:

1. SECTION: State of Play and Dialogue in Water Policy and Agricultural Policy

Claire McCamphill, EC: Progreaa towards sustainable water management in the agriculture sector 

Adam Kovacs, ICPDR: Agricultural nutrient pollution in the Danube Basin- is it still a real concern?

Karl Schwaiger, Ministry of Environment, Austria:  Water and Agriculture in Austria- policies shaped in close cooperation with sectors and stakeholders

2. SECTION: Demands of agriculture on water quality and quantity in different climate conditions  

Zsuzsanna Magosanyi, Ministry of interior, Katalin Olga Kujani, Ministry of Agriculture, Hungary- 2nd River Basin Management Plan and measures for a sustainable agriculture

Lubos Jurik, SPU, Slovakia: Water for cities and countryside- the same water for two users

3. SECTION: Water pollution by nutrients from agriculture – experience from different regions

Adam Kovacs, ICPDR: Sustainable agriculture in the Danube Basin towards a balanced nutrient management


Radoslav Bujnovsky, WRI, Slovakia: The effective reducing of diffuse water pollution by nutrients from agricultural land- the primary issue of available information


