IDES   Improving water quality in the Danube river and its tributaries by integrative floodplain management based on Ecosystem Services


Nutrient loads transported by the Danube affect its ecological status and have to be reduced, active floodplains can have a significant retention potential. IDESproject aims to add water quality targets to previous attempts of improving flood retention and restoration and improve water quality by developing an integrative floodplain management based on Ecosystem Services (ES). In five pilot areas IDES Danube will be applied: the effect of water quality management scenarios on relevant ES will be assessed in order to derive an optimized concept. Key actors will be trained in using the IDES tool for water quality management, a manual on the implementation of the tool will be elaborated. Based on the results, national action plans with prioritized areas and a joint strategy will be developed to improve water quality at transnational level regarding the Danube river basin management plan and targets of PA4 and PA6 of the EUSDR.


Basic information


Start date: 01-07-2020

End date: 31-12-2022

Budget in Euro: Overall: 1.951.170

ERDF Contribution: 1.581.388,45

IPA Contribution: 77.106,05

Priority: Environment and culture responsible Danube region

Specific objective: Strengthen transnational water management and flood risk prevention

More information is available via the following website: DTP-IDES