EUSDR Priority Area 4 “Water Quality” and LIFE Living Rivers organised the working meeting “From Iron Gates to Gabčíkovo Water Structure” focused on transfer of knowledge on fish migration. The meeting took place on 16 May 2024 at Water Research Institute, Bratislava, Slovakia.
The working meeting was held in order to share relevant information on migratory fish restoration in the middle and upper Danube and to look for synergies of investigation results and technical design of fish passes in Iron Gates and Gabčíkovo Water Structure.
The meeting was attended by 36 participants from international organisations (ICPDR, WWF, DSTF) and experts from Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia.
The participants highly appreciated the achievements, which were taken towards protection of living conditions for migratory fish, especially sturgeons as flagship species of the Danube river.
The agenda of the meeting is here
The presentations are bellow:
1. Hoedl_ICPDR activities towards fish migration conservation
2. Gammeltoft_Activities and future vision of Danube Sturgeon Task Force
3. Gatzweiler_Update on the WePass2 project – moving from options to the preliminary design
4. Hoedl_Wrap up of the We Pass 2 Stakeholder Workshop from 15 May 2024
5. Constantin_ Iron Gates – state of play for fishpass design from Romanian viewpoint
6. Mravcova_Activities and plans within LIFE Living Rivers project
7. Kažimír_Plans of fish pass construction in Čuňovo
8. Pannonhalmi_Dunakiliti in context of We Pass Iron Gates
9. Kubala_Importance of fish conservation and connectivity restoration from biological viewpoint.