Mankind during its history has changed the natural environment to such extent that today we can speak about the Anthropocene instead of the Holocene. This applies to water as well. Dr Baranyai’s discussion document on ‘Transboundary water cooperation in EU (a hydro-political gap assessment)’ presented on PA 4 SG Meetings (latest on 20 October 2015 in
Bratislava) investigates the resilience of international water laws, basin treaties and EU law in the face of the unfolding changes in hydrological conditions.
The gaps identified by the document should provoke further reflections by all stakeholders, first and foremost by decision-makers. You can access the documents here.
Presentation:Dr. Baranyai Transboundary water cooperation in the EU
Study: Transboundary Water Cooperation (CONF BY DANUBE STRAT)