We are happy to announce that the new funding brochure for water projects has been compiled by EUSDR PA4. The brochure eases navigation within the different programs and financing possibilities and links the reader to the most relevant funding sources within the Danube Region.
To address the challenges related to water quality the coordination of EUSDR Priority Area Water Quality (PA4) chosen the following tools: cooperation with relevant institutions; alignment of funding; facilitating project implementation and networking towards setting up project consortiums. One of the most important tasks of EUSDR PA4 is therefore to facilitate the alignment of funding. The aim is to assist the improvement of water quality by incorporating the tasks/standards of the EUSDR to the documents and operational programs of the European Structural and Investment Funds as well as other financing frameworks. The EUSDR PA4 contributed to facilitate the alignment of funding in a structured and systematic way and made effective actions to embed the priority interventions to the EU programs of the “2014-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework” and beyond, in the new programming period as well.
The brochure is available:Funding_Project.