FramWat – Framework for improving water balance and nutrient mitigation by applying small water retention measures


The main objective of the FramWat project was to strengthen the regional, common framework for floods, droughts and pollution mitigation by increasing the buffer capacity of the landscape using the natural based solution approach and small water retention measures in a systematic way. So far, the majority of water management and flood protection measures lack innovation and follow more traditional approaches, including large scale grey infrastructure investment programs or capital projects. They have not been balanced by green infrastructure which takes into account valuable ecosystem services provided by nature in the landscape settings.


FramWat supported the idea for using the landscape features to help solving environmental problems in water bodies in a sustainable way. The innovative way for doing so was the development of methods which translate existing knowledge about N(S)WRM features into river basin management practice. This resulted in preparing new methodology for incorporation of natural and small retention measures in a form of action plan to be implemented in river basins. We have developed new tools: GIS based tool for assessment of needs and possibilities (FroGIS), Excel based tool for comparison of different variants of catchment development (StaticTool) and Decision Support System which summarises all findings. The proposed approached is written down in the form of Guidelines and tested in the six catchments developed together and approved by local water authorities for the further use.


The project integrated the stakeholders most affected by droughts and floods (municipalities, forest districts, representatives of agriculture,nature protection agencies) with each other and experts, and facilitated creating ideas for in mitigating their effects. Problems and possible solutions were identified (Action plan), and tools (DSS planner) were provided to support stakeholders in the process of implementing activities


Basic information


Start date: 01-07-2017

End date: 30-06-2020

Budget in Euro: Overall: 1.611.000

ERDF Contribution: 1.362.000

Priority Axis 3 : Cooperating on natural and cultural resources for sustainable growth in CENTRAL EUROPE

Specific objective 3.1: To improve integrated environmental management capacities for the protection and sustainable use of natural heritage and resources.

More information is available via the following website: Interreg Central Europe – FramWat