During 5-6 December 2019 the PA4 SK team participated in the communication workshop which was organized by the Danube Strategy Point in cooperation with the EUSDR Croatian presidency in Zagreb. Communication workshop was led by Ms Mirela Mustata (communication expert) and Ms Andreea Pena who is the team member of the DSP and deals with capacity building. There were about 30 participants and lot of space for discussion and creativity of the teams. At the beginning the national coordinator welcomed all participants and informed about the following thematic priorities of EUSDR Croatian Presidency: cooperation, inland waterways, environment in economics, sea protection and multi-level government. The aim of the communication workshop was to define the following: „EUSDR mission, EUSDR vision, EUSDR slogan, Key messages a Narrative“. Big benefit was that the participants had an opportunity to create the before mentioned issues themselves and choose the best option by voting. Of course, only draft versions were created and these will be submitted for further approval. Workshop was finished in friendly atmosphere.