Danube Strategic Project Fund (DSPF)
The Danube Strategic Project Fund is a new facility aiming at supporting the implementation of transnational strategic projects aligned with the objective of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR), with a specific added value at the interfaces between cohesion and enlargement/neighbourhood policy.
It is co-financed with funds provided to the European Commission by the European Parliament and the City of Vienna and will be managed by PA 10 of the EUSDR (City of Vienna) in close cooperation with EuroVienna, affiliated entity to the City of Vienna.
Potential applicants must forward the completed Application Documents to the relevant Prioriry Area Coordinators until February 15th 2017 in the following format:
DSPF application form (“A” or “B”) as open word file
DSPF application form (“A” or “B”) as signed scan (PDF all pages)
DSPF Project Budget Plan as open Excel file
DSPF Project Budget Plan as signed scan (PDF all pages)
DSPF Strategic Partner Form (if applicable, max. 3) as signed scan
For further information please also check the following website: