During the event, relevant themes were discussed in four paralell workshops, such as Water, Smart Specialization in the ICT sector, Energy and Instruments fostering scientific exchange.
The Water is, no doubt, one of the most horizontal issue in the world and managing quality, quantity of water moreover handling its connections to the other PriorityArea of the EUSDR is really challenging task.
The PA 4 relevant presentation in Water workshop was the „ Water quality and environmental risks in the Danube: needs and opportunities , from scientific understanding to development of solutions „ provided by PAC 4 Hungary (attached) showing the background, challenges, expectations, water targets and scientific needs insued from Actions PA 4.
The core element of the Annual Event was a panel discussion, with six EUSDR Priority Areas coordinators (among others PAC 4 HU), moderated by Prof Miroslav Veskovic, JRC. In case of the Water Nexus, as was emphasized, Water is a general priority and the Danube River basin is the best example of context where strong transnational collaboration is needed.
The panel discussion messages referring to Water Nexus were:
1) Activity of the Priority Area 4 is recognised as the implementation of Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) related Water,
2) For proving of horizontality: Water means condition to Agriculture, Energy and Ecosystems,
3) To stregthen scientific cooperation with JRC, PA 4 proposes some research themes such as, optimization of early warning monitoring system on transboundary rivers, research on new UWWT technologies (e.g. removing of pharmaceutical residuals), research on fish behavior for optimized planning of by-pass channels to restore continuity for migration species (horizontal connectivity to Biodiversity PA 6), etc.