Tid(y)Up – Save Our Rivers!
Approximately 12 million tons of waste is released into our living waters every year, 80% of which enters the seas and oceans through rivers. Studies, innovations, startups are born all over the world to solve the problem we are part of.
As an international conference and kick-off event of the Tid(y)Up project, “Save Our Rivers!” will introduce you to the whole consortium and explain the main goals and activities of the project. The organizers HAEE & Filmjungle.eu Society will list the most renowned speakers in the field of living water pollution, so that the best practices and solutions can be found later in the afternoon. Let’s meet in the middle and Save Our Rivers!
The conference will be available live – integrated in a homepage – VIMEO streaming
The conference is open to the general public, the media and stakeholders: civil, national and international governmental organizations.
Please see further details here