PA4 PROGRESS REPORT FOR THE PERIOD JULY-DECEMBER 2016 EUSDR PA4 Progress Report for the period July-December 2016 was submitted to European Commission via Danube Strategy Point. The report contains
EUSDR Project Financing Conference
EUSDR PROJECT FINANCING CONFERENCE PROJECT FINANCING CONFERENCE – 11 MAY 2017. MOM Cultural Center Budapest The Hungarian coordination of the EU Strategy for the Danube Regionis organizing a project
1st technical meeting of the JOINTISZA project was held
1ST TECHNICAL MEETING OF THE JOINTISZA PROJECT WAS HELD 1st technical meeting of the JOINTISZA project In the frame of the first technical meeting of the JOINTISZA project, which
Transnational Cooperation for Sustainable River Basin Management Conference
TRANSNATIONAL COOPERATION FOR SUSTAINABLE RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE Transnational Cooperation for Sustainable River Basin Management Conference ‘Transnational Cooperation for Sustainable River Basin Management’ Conference was organised to facilitate synergetic
DTP DanubeSediment towards improving sediment management
DTP DANUBESEDIMENT TOWARDS IMPROVING SEDIMENT MANAGEMENT DTP DanubeSediment PROJECT In the Danube Basin an increasing discrepancy between surplus and lack of sediment can be observed. This leads to an
INVITATION to the Conference on Transnational Cooperation for Sustainable River Basin Management
INVITATION TO THE CONFERENCE ON TRANSNATIONAL COOPERATION FOR SUSTAINABLE RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT INVITATION Transnational Cooperation for Sustainable River Basin Management JOINTISZA Project Stakeholder Involvement Event & DanubeSediment Project Launch
OECD Study on water out- with case study on the Danube
OECD STUDY ON WATER OUT- WITH CASE STUDY ON THE DANUBE Diffuse water pollution: an invisible and growing threat 22 MARCH 2017 tags: water pollution by Guest author Hannah Leckie,
LIFE call will be open in April also for water projects
LIFE CALL WILL BE OPEN IN APRIL ALSO FOR WATER PROJECTS Applicants for new LIFE funding and, in particular, representatives of businesses, industry, NGOs, and local and regional authorities