The main aim of the workshop is to discuss the situation of sewage sludge management in the Danube Region. It will set the scene on the situation and trends and raise awareness on this important but so far relatively neglected topic. It will give a policy context in order to boost knowledge exchange especially in light of the ongoing review of the 86/278/EEC Sewage Sludge Directive. The workshop will also go into the technological context to give up-to-date information on the new trends in the related technologies by assisting to establish common understanding and knowledge development for long-term planning of sludge management in the Danube Region countries. The workshop is planning to kick-off the discussion on sewage sludge management in the Danube Region and pave the way towards more in-depth policy and technological dialogue on this issue.
Please find the agenda and the concept note attached.
[download-attachment id=”2771″ title=”CONCEPT NOTE Workshop on Sludge management in the Danube Region for a greener EU to UPLOAD 140521.”]
Presentations held:
1. DGENV_SSD Evaluation Sylvie Grajales
2 DG ENV UWWT part ROSENSTOCK Danube sludge workshop updated
3. WW_management_in_the_DRB_ICPDR_Sludge_WS Adam Kovacs
4. Trenecon Attila Fürstand DRS_SludgeStudy
7. Romania SLUDGE Gheorghe Constantin
8. Sweden Agneta Thor Leander Legislation and experience
10. Hungary UTB Envirotech SLUDGE_final
11. Ireland Aoife Kyne Sludge presentation
13 Spain Jose F. Cabeza SLUDGE v2